HealthSavvy Sign In | Were you looking for information about Mesothelioma? Mesotheloma is a common misspelling of mesothelioma.Mesothelioma is a relatively rare cancer that usually begins in the lining around the lungs or the lining around the abdomen (stomach). The tumor, which may be benign or malignant, affects the membrane that covers and protects most of the body's internal organs. The primary risk factor for mesothelioma is asbestos exposure, although the cancer has also been reported in people who have not been exposed to asbestos. This condition is generally treated with chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy, or a combination of the three.(Click Mesothelioma for more information on where this cancer develops, to find out how it is diagnosed, and to learn more about its treatment options. You can also click any of the links in the box to the right for specific information.)var sc=readCookie("SAVVYLOGIN");if(!sc){document.write('');}function endArticleClick(){urchinTracker("/savvyadclick/");createCookie("articleReferer",window.location + "|Mesotheloma",0,"");var sc=readCookie("SAVVYLOGIN"); if (sc){window.location="/savvy/addTopicAndReturn.html?topic=Mesothelioma";} else window.location="/savvy/savvysignup.html";} function addToolbarButton(txt,divclass,hrefdest,onclickfunc,title,id) { var tb = document.getElementById("articleToolbar"); var td = document.createElement("TD"); if(id) td.setAttribute("id",id); var d = document.createElement("div"); setClass(d,divclass); d.onclick = function(e){ if (!onclickfunc||onclickfunc(e)!=false) {,"_blank","");}}; d.setAttribute("title", title ); var href = document.createElement("A"); href.setAttribute("href", hrefdest ); href.onclick = onclickfunc; href.setAttribute("title", title ); href.innerHTML = txt; = "_blank"; td.appendChild( d ); td.appendChild( href ); tb.appendChild(td); } function savvyClick(event) { createCookie("articleReferer",window.location + "|Mesotheloma",0,""); urchinTracker("/savvyclick/"); var sc=readCookie("SAVVYLOGIN"); if (sc) { savvyAddTopic("Mesothelioma"); } else { grayWindow(); $('#logintext').html('Sign in to your HealthSavvy account to add this topic:'); document.forms['signinform1'].action='/savvy/loginAddTopicAndReturn.html'; document.forms['signinform1'].topicName="Mesothelioma"; domenu(event,'logininfo',0,-100,true,true,true); $('#email1').focus(); } return false;} function savvyAddTopic(str) { $.ajax({ url: "/savvy/ajaxAddTopic.txt?topic=Mesothelioma", success: function(data){if (data.substring(0,2)=="OK") {data = data.substring(2, data.length);$("#hs_savvy_favorite").css("display","none");}showMessageBox(data); }}); } function createToolbar() {var st=readCookie("SAVVYTOPCIS");if (!st || st.indexOf("|Mesothelioma|")==-1) {addToolbarButton("HealthSavvy", "tb_hsicon tool_sp", "#", savvyClick, "HealthSavvy","hs_savvy_favorite");} addToolbarButton("Share", "tb_face tool_sp", "", function() {urchinTracker("/facebookshare/");}, "Share on Facebook",null); addToolbarButton( "Share", "tb_twit tool_sp", "", function() {urchinTracker("/twittershare/");}, "Share on Twitter",null); addToolbarButton( "Email","tb_mail tool_sp", "#", function(event) {emailPage(event);return false;}, "Email Article",null); if ( window.external && typeof(window.external.AddFavorite) != "undefined" ) { addToolbarButton( "Add", "tb_favorite tool_sp", "#", function(event) {bookmarkPage(event);return false;}, "Bookmark Article",null); } addToolbarButton( "Print","tb_print tool_sp", "#", function(event) {printPage(event);return false;}, "Print Article",null); } createToolbar(); Written by/reviewed by: Arthur Schoenstadt, MD Last reviewed by: Arthur Schoenstadt, MD var s = "Last" + " updated/reviewed: "; var lm = document.getElementById("lastmodified"); if ( lm ) { s += "September 15, 2008"; lm.innerHTML = s; }
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