HealthSavvy Sign In | Some factors that may influence the treatment options recommended include:The stage of the cancer (see Mesothelioma Stages) The type of cancer cells (how they look under a microscope) The person's age and general health Whether the mesothelioma is newly diagnosed or has come back (recurred). In general, treatment options for mesothelioma include:Your doctor can describe your treatment choices and the expected results of each. The two of you can work together to develop a treatment plan that meets your medical needs and personal values. Choosing the most appropriate treatment is a decision that ideally involves the patient, family, and healthcare team.Mesothelioma treatment generally begins within a few weeks after the diagnosis. There will be time for people to talk with their healthcare provider about treatment choices, get a second opinion, and learn more about the disease. function createlink(url, title, index ) { var p=document.createElement("P"); p.setAttribute("onclick", "clickAnchor(event)" ); setClass( p, "chapterList" ); var a = document.createElement( "a"); = "white"; var c = url.replace(/'/g, "'"); a.setAttribute("href", c ); a.innerHTML = title; p.appendChild( a ); return p; } function updateLinks() { var toc = document.getElementById("chapterTOC"); toc.innerHTML = ""; var p; p = createlink("#chapter_0","Treating Mesothelioma: An Overview", status.index ); toc.appendChild( p ); p = createlink("/mesothelioma/mesothelioma-treatment-p2.html#chapter_1","Remembering Questions and Answers", status.index ); toc.appendChild( p ); p = createlink("/mesothelioma/mesothelioma-treatment-p2.html#chapter_2","Getting a Second Opinion", status.index ); toc.appendChild( p ); p = createlink("/mesothelioma/mesothelioma-treatment-p2.html#chapter_3","Mesothelioma Treatment Options", status.index ); toc.appendChild( p ); p = createlink("/mesothelioma/mesothelioma-treatment-p3.html#chapter_4","Side Effects of Treatment for Mesothelioma", status.index ); toc.appendChild( p ); p = createlink("/mesothelioma/mesothelioma-treatment-p3.html#chapter_5","Nutrition and Mesothelioma Treatment", status.index ); toc.appendChild( p ); p = createlink("/mesothelioma/mesothelioma-treatment-p3.html#chapter_6","Clinical Trials", status.index ); toc.appendChild( p ); p = createlink("/mesothelioma/mesothelioma-treatment-p4.html#chapter_7","The Importance of Follow-up Care When Treating Mesothelioma", status.index ); toc.appendChild( p ); } updateLinks(); function addToolbarButton(txt,divclass,hrefdest,onclickfunc,title,id) { var tb = document.getElementById("articleToolbar"); var td = document.createElement("TD"); if(id) td.setAttribute("id",id); var d = document.createElement("div"); setClass(d,divclass); d.onclick = function(e){ if (!onclickfunc||onclickfunc(e)!=false) {,"_blank","");}}; d.setAttribute("title", title ); var href = document.createElement("A"); href.setAttribute("href", hrefdest ); href.onclick = onclickfunc; href.setAttribute("title", title ); href.innerHTML = txt; = "_blank"; td.appendChild( d ); td.appendChild( href ); tb.appendChild(td); } function savvyClick(event) { createCookie("articleReferer",window.location + "|Mesothelioma Treatment",0,""); urchinTracker("/savvyclick/"); var sc=readCookie("SAVVYLOGIN"); if (sc) { savvyAddTopic("Mesothelioma"); } else { grayWindow(); $('#logintext').html('Sign in to your HealthSavvy account to add this topic:'); document.forms['signinform1'].action='/savvy/loginAddTopicAndReturn.html'; document.forms['signinform1'].topicName="Mesothelioma"; domenu(event,'logininfo',0,-100,true,true,true); $('#email1').focus(); } return false;} function savvyAddTopic(str) { $.ajax({ url: "/savvy/ajaxAddTopic.txt?topic=Mesothelioma", success: function(data){if (data.substring(0,2)=="OK") {data = data.substring(2, data.length);$("#hs_savvy_favorite").css("display","none");}showMessageBox(data); }}); } function createToolbar() {var st=readCookie("SAVVYTOPCIS");if (!st || st.indexOf("|Mesothelioma|")==-1) {addToolbarButton("HealthSavvy", "tb_hsicon tool_sp", "#", savvyClick, "HealthSavvy","hs_savvy_favorite");} addToolbarButton("Share", "tb_face tool_sp", "", function() {urchinTracker("/facebookshare/");}, "Share on Facebook",null); addToolbarButton( "Share", "tb_twit tool_sp", "", function() {urchinTracker("/twittershare/");}, "Share on Twitter",null); addToolbarButton( "Email","tb_mail tool_sp", "#", function(event) {emailPage(event);return false;}, "Email Article",null); if ( window.external && typeof(window.external.AddFavorite) != "undefined" ) { addToolbarButton( "Add", "tb_favorite tool_sp", "#", function(event) {bookmarkPage(event);return false;}, "Bookmark Article",null); } addToolbarButton( "Print","tb_print tool_sp", "#", function(event) {printPage(event);return false;}, "Print Article",null); } createToolbar(); Written by/reviewed by: Arthur Schoenstadt, MD Last reviewed by: Arthur Schoenstadt, MD var s = "Last" + " updated/reviewed: "; var lm = document.getElementById("lastmodified"); if ( lm ) { s += "November 02, 2008"; lm.innerHTML = s; }
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