HealthSavvy Sign In | In addition to medical treatment, some cancer patients want to try alternative mesothelioma treatments to ease stress or to reduce side effects and symptoms. Some patients feel that these alternative treatments offer some benefit.Some types of alternatives for treating mesothelioma include:Acupuncture Massage therapy Herbal products Vitamins or special diets Nutritional supplements Visualization Meditation Spiritual healing Yoga Biofeedback. Before you try treating your mesothelioma with an alternative therapy, you should discuss its possible benefits and side effects with your medical doctors. If you are using any alternative mesothelioma treatment, you need to tell your doctors about it. These alternative treatments should never be used instead of medical treatment. Be aware that these therapies may be expensive; some are not paid for by health insurance. You should consider asking the therapist for evidence of how the therapy has helped others, possibly by giving you references.You may want to ask your healthcare provider these questions:What benefits can I expect from this approach? What are its risks? Do the expected benefits outweigh the risks? What side effects should I watch for? Will this alternative treatment change the way my mesothelioma treatment works? Could this be harmful? Is this approach under study in a clinical trial? If so, who sponsors the trial? Will my health insurance pay for this approach? var sc=readCookie("SAVVYLOGIN");if(!sc){document.write('');}function endArticleClick(){urchinTracker("/savvyadclick/");createCookie("articleReferer",window.location + "|Alternative Mesothelioma Treatment",0,"");var sc=readCookie("SAVVYLOGIN"); if (sc){window.location="/savvy/addTopicAndReturn.html?topic=Mesothelioma";} else window.location="/savvy/savvysignup.html";} function createlink(url, title, index ) { var p=document.createElement("P"); p.setAttribute("onclick", "clickAnchor(event)" ); setClass( p, "chapterList" ); var a = document.createElement( "a"); = "white"; var c = url.replace(/'/g, "'"); a.setAttribute("href", c ); a.innerHTML = title; p.appendChild( a ); return p; } function updateLinks() { var toc = document.getElementById("chapterTOC"); toc.innerHTML = ""; var p; p = createlink("#chapter_0","Alternative Mesothelioma Treatment: An Overview", status.index ); toc.appendChild( p ); p = createlink("#chapter_1","Alternative Treatment Options for Mesothelioma", status.index ); toc.appendChild( p ); p = createlink("#chapter_2","Recommendations", status.index ); toc.appendChild( p ); } updateLinks(); function addToolbarButton(txt,divclass,hrefdest,onclickfunc,title,id) { var tb = document.getElementById("articleToolbar"); var td = document.createElement("TD"); if(id) td.setAttribute("id",id); var d = document.createElement("div"); setClass(d,divclass); d.onclick = function(e){ if (!onclickfunc||onclickfunc(e)!=false) {,"_blank","");}}; d.setAttribute("title", title ); var href = document.createElement("A"); href.setAttribute("href", hrefdest ); href.onclick = onclickfunc; href.setAttribute("title", title ); href.innerHTML = txt; = "_blank"; td.appendChild( d ); td.appendChild( href ); tb.appendChild(td); } function savvyClick(event) { createCookie("articleReferer",window.location + "|Alternative Mesothelioma Treatment",0,""); urchinTracker("/savvyclick/"); var sc=readCookie("SAVVYLOGIN"); if (sc) { savvyAddTopic("Mesothelioma"); } else { grayWindow(); $('#logintext').html('Sign in to your HealthSavvy account to add this topic:'); document.forms['signinform1'].action='/savvy/loginAddTopicAndReturn.html'; document.forms['signinform1'].topicName="Mesothelioma"; domenu(event,'logininfo',0,-100,true,true,true); $('#email1').focus(); } return false;} function savvyAddTopic(str) { $.ajax({ url: "/savvy/ajaxAddTopic.txt?topic=Mesothelioma", success: function(data){if (data.substring(0,2)=="OK") {data = data.substring(2, data.length);$("#hs_savvy_favorite").css("display","none");}showMessageBox(data); }}); } function createToolbar() {var st=readCookie("SAVVYTOPCIS");if (!st || st.indexOf("|Mesothelioma|")==-1) {addToolbarButton("HealthSavvy", "tb_hsicon tool_sp", "#", savvyClick, "HealthSavvy","hs_savvy_favorite");} addToolbarButton("Share", "tb_face tool_sp", "", function() {urchinTracker("/facebookshare/");}, "Share on Facebook",null); addToolbarButton( "Share", "tb_twit tool_sp", "", function() {urchinTracker("/twittershare/");}, "Share on Twitter",null); addToolbarButton( "Email","tb_mail tool_sp", "#", function(event) {emailPage(event);return false;}, "Email Article",null); if ( window.external && typeof(window.external.AddFavorite) != "undefined" ) { addToolbarButton( "Add", "tb_favorite tool_sp", "#", function(event) {bookmarkPage(event);return false;}, "Bookmark Article",null); } addToolbarButton( "Print","tb_print tool_sp", "#", function(event) {printPage(event);return false;}, "Print Article",null); } createToolbar(); Written by/reviewed by: Arthur Schoenstadt, MD Last reviewed by: Arthur Schoenstadt, MD var s = "Last" + " updated/reviewed: "; var lm = document.getElementById("lastmodified"); if ( lm ) { s += "December 28, 2008"; lm.innerHTML = s; }
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