

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Mesothelioma Symptoms

HealthSavvy Sign In | Mesothelioma is a benign (noncancerous) or malignant (cancerous) tumor that begins within the mesothelium, a protective lining surrounding most of the organs in the body. Most mesotheliomas begin within the pleura (the membrane that surrounds the lungs and lines the wall of the chest cavity) or the peritoneum (the mesothelial tissue that covers most of the organs in the abdominal cavity). Mesothelioma symptoms will vary, depending on where the tumor is located.Pleural mesothelioma symptoms are usually due to an accumulation of fluid in the pleura. These symptoms often include:Shortness of breath Pain in the chest or under the ribcage. Peritoneal symptoms of mesothelioma may include:Weight loss Lumps in the abdomen Abdominal (stomach) pain Abdominal swelling due to a buildup of fluid in the abdomen (stomach). Other symptoms may also include:Bowel obstruction Blood-clotting abnormalities Anemia Fever. If the cancer has spread beyond the mesothelium to other parts of the body, symptoms may include:Pain Trouble swallowing Swelling of the neck or face. function createlink(url, title, index ) { var p=document.createElement("P"); p.setAttribute("onclick", "clickAnchor(event)" ); setClass( p, "chapterList" ); var a = document.createElement( "a"); a.style.color = "white"; var c = url.replace(/'/g, "'"); a.setAttribute("href", c ); a.innerHTML = title; p.appendChild( a ); return p; } function updateLinks() { var toc = document.getElementById("chapterTOC"); toc.innerHTML = ""; var p; p = createlink("#chapter_0","Mesothelioma Signs and Symptoms: An Overview", status.index ); toc.appendChild( p ); p = createlink("#chapter_1","Pleural Symptoms of Mesothelioma", status.index ); toc.appendChild( p ); p = createlink("#chapter_2","Peritoneal Mesothelioma Symptoms", status.index ); toc.appendChild( p ); p = createlink("#chapter_3","Metastatic Mesothelioma Symptoms", status.index ); toc.appendChild( p ); p = createlink("/mesothelioma/mesothelioma-symptoms-p2.html#chapter_4","Asbestos Exposure and Symptoms of Mesothelioma", status.index ); toc.appendChild( p ); p = createlink("/mesothelioma/mesothelioma-symptoms-p2.html#chapter_5","Mesothelioma Symptoms: Final Thoughts", status.index ); toc.appendChild( p ); } updateLinks(); function addToolbarButton(txt,divclass,hrefdest,onclickfunc,title,id) { var tb = document.getElementById("articleToolbar"); var td = document.createElement("TD"); if(id) td.setAttribute("id",id); var d = document.createElement("div"); setClass(d,divclass); d.onclick = function(e){ if (!onclickfunc||onclickfunc(e)!=false) {window.open(hrefdest,"_blank","");}}; d.setAttribute("title", title ); var href = document.createElement("A"); href.setAttribute("href", hrefdest ); href.onclick = onclickfunc; href.setAttribute("title", title ); href.innerHTML = txt; href.target = "_blank"; td.appendChild( d ); td.appendChild( href ); tb.appendChild(td); } function savvyClick(event) { createCookie("articleReferer",window.location + "|Mesothelioma Symptoms",0,".emedtv.com"); urchinTracker("/savvyclick/http://mesothelioma.emedtv.com/mesothelioma/mesothelioma-symptoms.html"); var sc=readCookie("SAVVYLOGIN"); if (sc) { savvyAddTopic("Mesothelioma"); } else { grayWindow(); $('#logintext').html('Sign in to your HealthSavvy account to add this topic:'); document.forms['signinform1'].action='/savvy/loginAddTopicAndReturn.html'; document.forms['signinform1'].topicName="Mesothelioma"; domenu(event,'logininfo',0,-100,true,true,true); $('#email1').focus(); } return false;} function savvyAddTopic(str) { $.ajax({ url: "/savvy/ajaxAddTopic.txt?topic=Mesothelioma", success: function(data){if (data.substring(0,2)=="OK") {data = data.substring(2, data.length);$("#hs_savvy_favorite").css("display","none");}showMessageBox(data); }}); } function createToolbar() {var st=readCookie("SAVVYTOPCIS");if (!st || st.indexOf("|Mesothelioma|")==-1) {addToolbarButton("HealthSavvy", "tb_hsicon tool_sp", "#", savvyClick, "HealthSavvy","hs_savvy_favorite");} addToolbarButton("Share", "tb_face tool_sp", "http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?u=http%3a%2f%2fmesothelioma.emedtv.com%2fmesothelioma%2fmesothelioma-symptoms.html&t=Mesothelioma+Symptoms", function() {urchinTracker("/facebookshare/http://mesothelioma.emedtv.com/mesothelioma/mesothelioma-symptoms.html");}, "Share on Facebook",null); addToolbarButton( "Share", "tb_twit tool_sp", "http://www.emedtv.com/twittershare.html?status=Currently+reading+Mesothelioma+Symptoms+on+eMedTV%3a+http%3a%2f%2fmesothelioma.emedtv.com%2fmesothelioma%2fmesothelioma-symptoms.html", function() {urchinTracker("/twittershare/http://mesothelioma.emedtv.com/mesothelioma/mesothelioma-symptoms.html");}, "Share on Twitter",null); addToolbarButton( "Email","tb_mail tool_sp", "#", function(event) {emailPage(event);return false;}, "Email Article",null); if ( window.external && typeof(window.external.AddFavorite) != "undefined" ) { addToolbarButton( "Add", "tb_favorite tool_sp", "#", function(event) {bookmarkPage(event);return false;}, "Bookmark Article",null); } addToolbarButton( "Print","tb_print tool_sp", "#", function(event) {printPage(event);return false;}, "Print Article",null); } createToolbar(); Written by/reviewed by: Arthur Schoenstadt, MD Last reviewed by: Arthur Schoenstadt, MD var s = "Last" + " updated/reviewed: "; var lm = document.getElementById("lastmodified"); if ( lm ) { s += "August 28, 2008"; lm.innerHTML = s; }

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